2021 National Final
We are delighted to announce that the 2021 National Final will be held across April and May of 2021, with highlights and the live announcement of the National Champions being made on a special documentary broadcast on TG4 television on Sunday May 23rd. 65 teams have qualified for the National Final, representing hundreds of student participants. Who will lift the CJJ Motorsports Cup on May 23rd?
See a list of the key dates for the 2021 National Final below:
14th April: Deadline for Submission of Enterprise Portfolio, Engineering Portfolio, Pit Display Poster, and Marketing and Social Media Document via website.
14th April: Deadline to book time slots for judging.
16th April: Deadline for Posting of Cars to F1 in Schools (cars must have a post mark/tracking date of being sent on 16th April to be raced).
19th - 23rd April: Enterprise Judging, Engineering Judging, Verbal Presentations and Race Interviews.
22nd April: Submission of Engineering Drawings for Specification Judging
Thursday 20th May: Live Broadcast of All Time Trial Races
Friday 21st May: Live Broadcast of All Knockout Cup Races (up to but not including Round of 16)
Saturday 22nd May: Awards Ceremony Broadcast (except National Champions, Knockout Cup Winners, 2nd Place, 3rd Place)
Sunday 23rd May: TG4/Adare Productions Broadcast of National Final Highlights, including Knockout Cup and Awards Announcement
How will the National Final work remotely?
Because of the unique circumstances of the pandemic, we have had to adapt our F1 in Schools events. This year, as you all know, we are running a Virtual National Final. That means that your judging is completed via Zoom, your cars are submitted by post, and everything happens remotely. Here's a little detail on what that process will look like:
Teams complete their Enterprise Portfolio, Engineering Portfolio, Marketing and Social Media Document, and Pit Display poster, and submit these online to the website at f1inschools.ie/submit.
Teams also submit their cars by posting their fully ready-to-race car to F1 in Schools Ireland (address to be provided later).
Judges review the documents submitted, then host a 15 minute interview with teams via Zoom, before finalising the marks.
Teams make their Verbal Presentations via Zoom to a panel of judges.
The racing of cars is carried out remotely by F1 in Schools Ireland staff. We are currently working on a method to integrate reaction times.
All of the racing will be made available to watch across the four days of broadcasting before the results are announced.
Booking slots for National Final Participation:
Make sure to scroll down for verbal presentations and race interviews.