covid-19 compliance
The safety of competitors, staff, parents, teachers, judges and all other F1 in Schools event attendees is of the upmost importance. F1 in Schools Ireland continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and relevant government advice closely. At all of our 2021/22 events, protective measures will be put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Season Plan
The F1 in Schools Qualifying Round will take place entirely virtually in December 2021. Regional Finals are scheduled for February and March 2022 and are provisionally booked as in-person events. F1 in Schools Ireland will continue to monitor the latest government advice in order to maintain the safety of all attendees.
What happens in the event of a lockdown?
If an event venue is in a county under restrictions which prevent physical events on the date of the event, the event will be transitioned to a "Virtual Event" similar to the 2020 and 2021 National Finals.
If a competing school is in a county under restrictions which prevent travel and/or gatherings of 10 people or less on the date of the event, the teams affected will be asked to participate virtually via Zoom calls and by posting their car to F1 in Schools Ireland.
COVID-19 Safety Measures for "In-Person" F1 in Schools Events
Capacity limited in line with government guidance.
Face coverings required.
Hand sanitiser provided to each team as part of their welcome pack.
Hand hygiene stations positioned throughout the venue.
Physical distancing maintained throughout the event.
All contact stations to be cleaned periodically throughout the event.
Proof of vaccination may be required depending on government requirements for indoor gatherings.